Track Nationals
Track nationals was back in LA this year, and I was super looking forward to it! Training had been going really good, and I could tell the good sensations were coming around in July. I had some great training sessions, and couldn't wait for race day! Rob Van Houweling had been helping me out a bunch on all things aero, and was letting me use Molly's superpimp hour record wheels for my IP. The IP has been something I have kind of struggled with, but I had made some huge improvements in my aerodynamics and all that jazz, and was hoping to track out a good time.
Track nats always starts off with some shenanigans we never see. This time, though, I got to see how they lay the timing strips. Holy crap, that is scary! Thanks Adam!

The day before the omnium/IP - I came down with something. Aches, fever, extreme fatigue. I was in total denial at first, but the day before I just laid in bed and took about 10 packets of Emergen-C hoping I could kick it in a day. Unfortuantely that didn't happen. I did the IP qualifier - I felt so bad. It was the best time I had in LA to date, but makes me wonder what I could do when healthy. I ended up scratching the omnium, as I wanted to take a day off to recovery for the bronze final. Unfortuantely, I didn't feel better that day, and my time was about the same.
That night, though, we put together a make-shift team for the teamp pursuit. And we won! It was really fun to get to ride with my super good friend Amanda Seigle from Hellyer, along with Lauren Stephens and Jen Tetrick - both who've I've gotten to be roommates with at team pursuit camp! It was great to get to rep Jakroo as national champions!

Pre- race powwow.

Here we are - ready to go! Lookie here - I am a starter!!

Nationals champs!

Me & Amanda - love this girl!!
After the team pursuit, there were just two more days of racing - for the scratch race and points race. I was hoping to feel better, but the fact was I didn't. But in mass start racing - unlike pursuiting - you can fake it, and hope that you get a little luck, even if you aren't feeling great. Well, they didn't go my way, and it was the first time in years I didn't at least podium in the mass start races. What can you do? At least I got some cool photos. Thank you Gus Sarmiento and Dave Gordon for the photos!

Start line of points race- courteosy of Gus!

Attack - by Dave Gordon

Cool head-on photo by Dave Gordon

Huge suffer face!

Lastly, here is my awesome husband. He was - as always - a complete rockstar at track nationals. Helping all the Hellyer riders, and really anyone who needed anything. He did this all with a smile, even when he had a sick, sad wife! Thanks honey!​