Cali World Cup
My last World Cup and race for the season was the Cali World Cup. It was a bit of a shocker to do this race, as the season had been wearing on me, and I wasn't riding so great, to be perfectly frank. I didn't make the team pursuit squad for the final world cup and world championships during our January selection camp. But the United States needed someone to race the omnium, and as I was the only other person qualified, that was me. I am ashamed to say I was not very prepared for the race, as I didn't know I was even going to be racing it until a few days before we left. But, I love racing, and never give up an opportunity to represent your country!
The first day of the omnium was a bit rough for me - I hadn't been in a mass start race in a while, and it definitely showed. My pursuit wasn't as good as I had hoped either. After a bad day of racing, it is really easy to get depressed and let the momentum take me, but I really did my best to turn it around and re-focus for the second day. I set two PRs that day - in the flying lap and 500m. I even placed pretty well in the flying lap - which was pretty exciting for me, as those short sprint events are usually not my strong point, especially in a world class event! Then in the last race of the omnium, the Point Race, I took a lap on the field and ended 2nd in that event. That helped me move up in placing and I ended 15th overall - so not good by any means, but it felt really good to turn the race around on day2.
And that was a wrap for the year for me. It was disappointing to work hard all year, only to see my form fade, and to be riding worse at the end of season, when the important races - like the world championships - are. But, I for sure showed some big improvements in the 2014-15 year, and I learned some really good lessons about my training, that I plan to apply to the 2015-16 year. All you can do is look ahead!
Traveling to Cali is always an adventure - here is the USA Team on the VERY HOT bus after our long travel day!
Rollers with fellow omnium rider Jake Deuhring!
Cali is an open air track and sometimes it can be very windy!
Here is me during the flying lap! I was really happy to get a good time in this event!
The crowd is Cali, Colombia are just awesome! It is a really great place to race!